DossierFeminism from the Left

The political demand for “reproductive justice” links the right to self-determination over one’s own body with the material conditions that make this right accessible in the first place. After all, people who live and work in precarious conditions cannot, by definition, reach free and independent decisions. This notion is at the heart of a left-wing feminism that conceives gender justice, anti-racism, and global social justice as interlinked from the outset. 


Video | 03.05.2018Marx­ism-fem­in­ism and the art of polit­ics

marx200-Livestream recording in May, 3rd 2018. Like nobody else Frigga Haug tries to conceive…

Video | 06.09.2019In­ter­view with Cin­zia Ar­ruzza "Fem­in­ism for the 99%"