Social Alternatives

Criticism of the dominant social relations is a necessary foundation of all left-wing politics, but it is not enough. The Left is confronted with the fundamental task of formulating social alternatives. On the basis of critical social analysis, it is vital to develop transitional projects that focus on the here and now while simultaneously moving beyond it—helping to improve immediate living conditions, expand the possibilities of emancipatory struggles, and at the same time point in a direction that transports an overflowing moment of concrete utopias to overcome existing conditions. Left-wing social alternatives require political strategies that answer questions like: what is to be done, who will do it, and how?

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Video | 21.01.2022Pro­tect Jobs or Pro­tect the En­vir­on­ment? We Can Do Both!

How a just transition to green mobility can create thousands of new jobs

Video | 06.10.2021The Ger­man Elec­tions: What Do the Res­ults Mean for the Left?

A World Transformed roundtable hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s London Office

Audio | 26.04.2021“Double Stand­ards and Haz­ard­ous Pesti­cides from Bayer and BASF”

An audio feature by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, INKOTA-netzwerk and PAN Germany on double standards…

Video | 16.04.2021Food sys­tems, cli­mate deni­al­ism and en­vir­on­mental act­iv­ism in the Global South…

Video | 14.02.2021The (Re)Con­struc­tion of the World: Aid. Solid­ar­ity. Polit­ics. #3

Online conference February 12-14, 2021, in cooperation with medico international Livestream day…

Video | 12.02.2021The (Re)Con­struc­tion of the World: Aid. Solid­ar­ity. Polit­ics. #1

Online conference February 12-14, 2021, in cooperation with medico international Livestream day…

Video | 18.11.2020Cor­por­ate Ag­ri­cul­ture‘s False Prom­ises in Africa

Global Crisis – Global Solidarity #13 with Anne Maina, National Coordinator, Biodiversity and…

Audio | 03.07.2020False Prom­ises

“False Promises” is an audio feature by the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung and the INKOTA-netzwerk about…

Video | 23.06.2020Cor­por­ate Cap­ture Of Seed Is Jeapord­ising Farm­ers Sov­er­eignty

Africa’s agriculture along with its millions of small-scale food producers is up for sale - to the…