
The European Union is in its deepest crisis since its founding. Neoliberal measures are being imposed in an authoritarian manner, and democracy is being suspended. The EU is drifting apart, marked most dramatically by the departure of Great Britain, once a core member of the Union. As a result of Europe’s crisis of representation, a radical Right and a new authoritarianism are spreading. But there are also new awakenings from the Left: feminist struggles from Poland or Spain to Ireland, movements against austerity and for real democracy, renewed momentum for new and old left-wing parties, and the apparent renewal of social democracy in Britain. 

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Video | 05.07.2022De­ten­tion camps on the Greek is­lands

A "new era" in EU migration policy?

Video | 06.10.2021The Ger­man Elec­tions: What Do the Res­ults Mean for the Left?

A World Transformed roundtable hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s London Office

Video | 13.12.2018"Eco­logy and neo­lib­er­al­ism are in­ter­twined"

Interview with Remigiusz Okraska, Polish sociologist, publicist of the ecological and…

Video | 19.07.2018Fem­in­ist Re­sponses to Aus­ter­ity in Greece - In­ter­view with Aliki Kosy­fo­logou

Aliki Kosyfologou talks about the impacts of austerity measures on women in Greece and highlights…

Video | 19.07.2018Fem­in­ist Re­sponses to Aus­ter­ity in Ire­land - In­ter­view with Pau­line Cul­len

Pauline Cullen talks about the impacts of austerity measures on women in Ireland and highlights…

Video | 18.07.2018Fem­in­ist Respsonses to Aus­ter­ity in Spain - In­ter­view with Inés Campillo Poza

Inés Campillo Poza talks about the impacts of austerity measures implemented by the Spanish state on…

Video | 25.06.2018Crisis, War and Aus­ter­ity: De­valu­ation of Fe­male Labor and Re­treat­ing of the…

Interview with Oksana Dutchak, Author of the Ukraine Study. She is the Deputy Director of the Center…